
Look, a Child!

Some day, humanity may view the way that we generally treat our children today in the same way as societies of the past once treated women or supposedly inferior races.  One cannot guarantee that such a realization will dawn, but one hopes that it does. If this sounds overly dramatic, consider the ugly facts. With …

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The Embodied Brain

It is a curious phenomenon that the bodies of nearly all higher animals manifest a shape best described as an asymmetrical hourglass. A head, a relatively larger torso, and separating them, a narrow constriction called the neck. Exceptions, such as the bizarrely intelligent octopus, are few.  In the head lies the brain, the organ that …

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No News is Good

What is this human obsession called the News? Let’s be honest. Do we really need to fill our daily lives with the latest in buffoonery and posturing from global politicians, shrill commentary from all manner of outraged experts, massive deluges of facts and figures meant to distort and overwhelm us, assorted infotainment to distract us …

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